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Hello, how are you? To say it has been awhile would be an understatement! When I stepped away from this space to devote my time elsewhere, I didn't think I would be away this long! I've missed dropping by here and saying hello as well as creating, writing and selling my prints and cards.
The time has allowed me the space to work in something new, gain insight as to what I want to be spending my time doing, and not doing (!) and why. It's a constant moving piece and while I've always been one to feel more at ease when facing uncertainty and trying new things I am also more at peace at the fact that it will also continue to evolve, change and challenge every part of me.
After updating my photography portfolio I’m still working through what’s next in a broader sense for this site too, changes are afoot. I'm excited again for the possibilities of what's to come and truthfully it's been a while since I've felt that. So just I'm happy to be here, and I wanted to check in and say hello. Hello! I hope that you have been going well.
I can't believe we're also nearing the end of another year! I'm in the last few days of wrapping up work as the holidays which officially start a little earlier for me this year compared to last, so I'm getting a little excited (and of course always emotional!) at the thought of spending time with dear friends, family and of course having a good break with my beloved. I love this time of year!!
I hope whatever you are up to over the break, and whoever you get to share it with, you have the most wonderful time.